20 May 2008

In the news this morning

Google Health is online! www.google.com/health. Prepare to be assimilated. (HT Google Operating System).

The UK parliament retains it's progressive approach to stem cell research, backing human-animal embryo research in a vote yesterday (336 to 176). Makes me optimistic about living in Britain and proud to be a European. Also makes me wonder how long before HAR genes are inserted into other primates, but unfortunately admixed embryos cannot legally be grown beyond 14 days or transferred to a human or animal mother. Still, it's a good start. The parliament also voted to continue allowing the creation of "saviour siblings".

Aging: the Disease, the Cure, the Implications

In a similar vein, please help attract as much attention as possible to the Aging 2008 conference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really have to thank you for such a good and informative blog. I have a heart transplant and are using immonosuppressive to suppress the immune system,and the long term consequenses are faster aging, cancer, etc. With ESC and Regenerative Medicine we will one day produce organs in labs which are genetically convergent with the patient.